Summary: Working Hours and the Family - Working Preferences / Economic Incentives / Childcare and Divorce / Retirement and Time-Use

Summary: Working Hours and the Family - Working Preferences / Economic Incentives / Childcare and Divorce / Retirement and Time-Use
Title (original)
Sammenfatning: Arbejdstid og familien - arbejdstidsønsker/arbejdstid og skat/ børn og skilsmisse/ pensionering og samvær

Working Hours and the Family: Working Preferences / Economic Incentives / Childcare and Divorce / Retirement and Time-Use

Working Hours and the Family: Working Preferences / Economic Incentives / Childcare and Divorce / Retirement and Time-Use
Title (original)
Arbejdstid og familien: Arbejdstidsønsker / arbejdstid og skat / børn og skilsmisse / pensionering og samvr
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