Dr Laura Langner's biological statement

Laura Langner is an Associate at CTUR who specializes in identifying how individuals, couples, employers and policy makers can improve parents’ career success, time use and life satisfaction throughout parenthood. Dr. Langner is an expert in analysing couples’ lives using and developing dyadic data analysis methods on big cross-national data, tracing hundred thousands of peoples’ lives annually for up to 50 years as well as life story interviews. Her findings have provided the evidence for recommendations made in gender equality (e.g. UK Goverment Equalities Office Women’s Progression in the Workplace) and fatherhood reports. Her work has been covered by newsoutlets (e.g. The Guardian opinion piece by Julia Gillard, Dailymail, The New York Times) around the globe (top 1-5% on Altmetric). She regularly publishes in high impact journals ranking in the top 5-10% of her field. She received her PhD from the University of Oxford and was awarded ~ 300.000 GBP in funding from the Foundation of German Business and the ESRC (ranked 1/277 Future Research Leaders) to work as a PI on her projects on Dual Career Couples.

Read Laura's Curriculum Vitae (CV)