General Tools
- Contingent Fee Referee-a service for new PhDs, academics just starting down the publication road, and academics with English as a second language.
- Going Back to School: Time Management Tips
- InLoox The Basics of Time Management
- KnowledgeWorkx Consulting
- Life-Clock App in iTunes App store
- Pace Productivity
- ThirdPath Institute
- Top 12 Time Management Tips
- Syracuse University's The Most Productive Way to Schedule Your Day
- Nancy Folbre discusses economics, time use, gender, art and other interesting topics
- Brendan Halpin's blog examining the challenge of substitution costs in Optimal Matching
- Bill McNeill's record of a distance learning time use study
Time Management Resources
Real Time Context Data
Scientific Forums
If you know of any links of interest which is not listed here and would like to share with other researchers, please contact contact us.