Professor Mark Hamer's biographical statement

Professor Mark Hamer is the Chair in Sport and Exercise Medicine at the Institute Sport Exercise Health. He graduated in Sport and Exercise Science (1996) at The University of Birmingham, completed an MSc in Sports Sciences (1999) at Brunel University and later received his PhD in Exercise Physiology from De Montfort University (2002). He was appointed at University College London as a researcher in Epidemiology and Public Health funded by the British Heart Foundation (2005-15), and was Professor in Exercise as Medicine at Loughborough University (2015-19).

His research focuses on physical activity and population health, especially in relation to heart disease, healthy ageing, and mental wellbeing. He is involved with a number of world leading cohort studies including Whitehall II Study, the 1970 British Cohort Study, and the Prospective Physical Activity, Sitting and Sleep Consortium.

Read Mark's Curriculum Vitae (CV)